a pace of mind

Road to BQ weeknote 02 Restraint

mileage: 16 miles
cross training: CrossFit, tennis, dance, climbing
shoes: Nike Pegasus 40
song on repeat: Rust by Ben Bohmer

Who knew one can feel FOMO for Track. I felt it. I miss running in circles at a speed that is probably too fast for me, I mean, that is how I got injured. Track Tuesday was my favorite day, everyone getting that runner's high after few rounds around the track, the energy, the fast increasing heart rate, it really makes you feel alive.

I was tempted to go this week but then I reminded myself that I need to build the base, the foundation. Injury sucks, but it's also somehow really easy to forget once you're better. So I'm trying to show restraint and keep telling myself we're in this for the long haul.

Luckily, another one of my favorite days is long run, I was going to run it by myself since I only had 10 miles on the schedule to ease it back in, but then my body woke up just in time to join Keep Running Santa Ana running club's Sunday long run. It was so fun to run with others and run outside again.